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Innate Spirit Medicine

Walk the Plant Path

Reclaim your psychic gifts so that you can live a life rooted in freedom, where you create abundance through your body of work. 

A 3 Month certified program to master the art of Earth Medicine & Energy Healing through a unique modality.

Align with your soul's highest potential

Commencing Monday 26th Feb 2024

Be initiated to work deeply with spirit allies for yourself and as a practitioner so that you can heal your blocks, live a soul aligned life & embody your soul purpose.

Picture this...
You didn’t come into this world to spend your days trapped in a soul-sucking job, sitting under fluorescent lights, and imprisoned by the ticking clock. 
You know you came here with a mission to serve and be a catalyst for the evolution of this planet’s evolution. 
You know there is a way of living, where you aren’t pressured, burnt out, and with the nagging feeling that no matter what you do it’s never enough. 
Imagine an existence where you don't have to constantly "push harder" or "try more." Instead, picture a life where every moment is an invitation to play, explore, and revel in the pure joy of existence.
A life where you attune to the natural rhythms of the Earth itself, where you have ample time for yourself, your partner, your friends, and your family.
In this reality, you wake up buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead, unburdened by doubt and confusion because you have the tools and techniques to receive guidance from your higher self/spirit team. The kind of guidance that melts away stress and aligns you with a timeline that is filled with possibilities and excitement. 
As a sensitive person navigating this complex world, you no longer feel overwhelmed, instead you are empowered. You understand and know how to awaken and master your psychic gifts.
Life transforms into a magical adventure.
The world around you beams with life, becoming your ally.
You posses a cherished toolkit of self-care practices and rituals.
They help you to process life’s challenges and engage more with its wonders. Through intention-setting, you watch your dreams come to life, your radiant and abundant self shining brightly.
Imagine waking up to the soft morning light, nestled beside the one you love. As you savour your first sip of hot, fragrant coffee from your favourite cup, listening to the birds chirp.
With a client set to arrive mid-morning, your heart beams with anticipation, eager to serve as a witness to this soul’s transformation.
You have an apothecary of plant remedies, each which you share a sacred connection with. It’s an honour beyond words to share this potent medicine with others, knowing that you are actively shaping a better world, one healing at a time. 


What to expect...

Practices, shamanic journeying and meditations to open your channel and communicate to the plant realm.

Learn a potent modality- Innate Spirit Medicine and how to run on the body healings with flower essences. 

Cultivate a lifelong connection and creation of your own healing apothecary.

Reclaiming and owning your psychic gifts so that you can live a life rooted in freedom, where you get paid for your body of work.

Know how to journey to meet and attune to your animal & spirit guides and receive higher guidance in any area of your life.

Healing past life wounds where you once served as a healer, amplifying your innate gifts.

Receive nervous system support as you step out as a plant healer.

Work with the plants to reawaken inner-power, heal beliefs around worthiness, and cultivate healthy relationships where you feel supported, heard and nourished. 

Becoming the true creator of your life, so you can move with confidence and expressing your
truth online.

What if I told you that you don't have to "become" anything. 
You are innately worthy, abundant, intuitive.


This program is for you...

If you want direction and clarity on your soul’s work.

You share a sacred bond with nature and animals (which are drawn to you).

You are intuitive, sensitive & empathic (this means you have gifts that are ready to be mastered).
You have a deep desire to serve - raising the collective consciousness and creating abundance in the process.
If you are looking to understand how to clear and heal your blocks using plant allies.
If you are looking to step into healing professionally.
If you are already a healer/ coach and you are looking to enrich your practise, igniting deeper transformations.

You feel like something is missing. You aren't feeling deeply fulfilled in your work, or like its your true purpose.
If something in your heart is pulling you towards the plant path, however you are looking to work on a more spiritual/ intuitive level.
If the term plant spirit medicine ignites something in your soul.
If you desire a more heartfelt existence, where you are in synch with nature's rhythms and divine feminine principles (exhale).

What's Included:

Pre-recorded classroom videos
6 x Coaching Support Calls
Guided Healing Meditations & Activations
Workbook with journal prompts
Ritual and practical elements
Private group forum
+ more!

You will have on-going support throughout the course.

Not only from me, but from other like minded participants in an online group.

A place for community and sharing of experience as well as a place for me to offer support and answer any questions that come up along the way. 


You will have the last 2 weeks of the course to integrate and practise, so that you feel confident stepping out as a healer.


This includes all of the steps from start to finish, logistics of running healings and how to hold space!

Past student testimonial

"Jessie designed this course to be both an educational experience but also a personal and spiritual growth journey at the same time. You learn the content while also exploring and fine tuning your abilities. I started to look at the world differently while completing the course and now I will never see it the same again or be the same person again. When I started the course, I thought I had a pretty decent spiritual practice and connection to my spirit guides. I was focused on the upper world. I had never explored or felt connected to the lower and middle worlds which I really enjoyed learning about and connecting with. I have a new appreciation for the physical experience of this life and a new connection with nature. I was able to connect with my past lives and the rituals throughout are so special. I had a lot going on personally during the course time and Jessie was so supportive and encouraged me to not put pressure on myself to follow the schedule and to progress through the course as and when it felt right. An absolutely, life changing and beautiful experience which I would do again! I feel like if I repeated the course again, I would discover even more about myself as my journey progresses."
- Kate


I am Jessie
There was a time in my life where I was disconnected from myself and my surroundings were a reflection of this. I struggled with my confidence, my purpose, my sexuality and my worth. Finding connection with my Plant Allies and Spirit Teachers was the catalyst for profound change. 
I was able to take back my power, initiate deep healing and get back in touch with my intuition. What I love about working with Earth’s medicine is that it’s spirituality, in a grounded way. 
It is a path that allows you to process and engage more with life. 
The support I have felt from Great Spirit is like nothing else! This has led to a deep universal trust and belief in self. I have a beautiful divine partnership, being in a position to recognise and choose this healthy version of love. 
Rediscovering my soul medicine through this path was the key to finding my place in the world. 
I am devoted to my path of service, helping people reclaim their inner-power and their soul work.
You are the medicine.


What you will walk away with...

Knowing how to facilitate powerful healings for yourself and others.
The experience and knowledge to create your own healing apothecary. 
A deeper understanding of the world of spirit medicine.
More grounded into the body and embodied into your calling.
A deeper understanding of the energy body, how to clear chakras, read and manipulate energy; becoming a true channel for source.
A deeper understanding of the unconscious and how it shapes your reality.
A deeper connection to self! 
(This to me is priceless)

I’m calling out to the medicine makers who are ready to rise up and step fully into working in alignment with this spirit realm.

Ready to step through the portal into this transformative journey? 
Book your free connection call with me today and discover how 
Innate Spirit Medicine is the perfect fit for your soul's evolution.


Course Breakdown

Week One: Ground & Harmonise

How I healed within this realm
Plants for Human Evolution
Psychic Development & Extrasensory Perception
Sacred Space & Intention Setting
Introduction into Journeying
Access gifts from past lifetime

Week Two: Plant Spirit Healing

Introduction into Plant Spirit Healing
Reasons we may call on Plant Spirit
Communication with Plants
Journey to meet and attune with plant guide
Earth Altar Ritual

Week Three: Non-Linear Realm

Plant Spirit Continued
Introduction into Flower Essences
Plant Personalities
Seasons, Cycles & Life force
Inner Power Healing
Harvest Guide & Spirit Offerings

Week Four: Elemental Beings

The Fae & Nature Spirits
Subconscious Realm & Emotional Blind Spots
Preparing Flower Essences
Medicine Walk & Channeling Plant Spirit
Forming personal relationship with plants

Week Five: Animal Medicine

On The Body Healing 
Client Preparation
Pillar of Light & Body Scan
Aura Clearing & Vibrational Essence Sprays (& how to make)
Unconditional Love Healing
Journey to meet animal guide

Week Six: Mind & Body Connection

Energy Anatomy (Chakras, Auric Field & Energetic Pathways)
The Mind Body Connection
Intuition vs Intellect + Pendulum & Muscle Testing
Invoking divine light and spiritual assistance
Chakra Blessing & Manifestation in the 7th Plane

Week Seven: Heart Chakra

Preparing self & space for healing
Preparing client for healing
How to hold space
Combining Crystal Medicine
Heart Chakra Healing & Activation

Week Eight: Soul Medicine

Case Studies
Source Energy
Attuning to your medicine
Third Eye Activation

Week Nine: Divine Timing

Logistics of Running Healings
How to give session from start to finish
Aftercare & Integration for Clients

Week Ten: Self Care

Self Care for Healers
Life Transition Healing
Practices & Principles to fill your own cup
Night time routine

Week Eleven & Twelve: Integration

Plant Profiles
Etheric Cords
Practise & Integration
Share findings
Closing Ritual

Opening a deep remembrance and intuitively connecting and communing with the land. In truth, we don’t connect to nature, we are nature. Being in direct relationship with the earth creates a sense of wholeness and the science backs what it does for our health. 


I say remembering as this ancient wisdom is encoded in your DNA.


Being in relationship with the earth’s wisdom can support and help flourish every area of your life.


But to me it’s not what the earth can do for us, it’s about being in service to Mother Earth.


Since we are an extension of her, it really is giving to self.

You will gain access to a new module each week for twelve weeks, with lifetime access to revisit whenever you feel called to. 

Innate spirit medicine certificate.png

We begin Monday 26th Feb 2024

Your Investment 

One Time Payment
$1,200 A

Payment Plan
Per month for 3 months

"I have a new appreciation for the physical experience of this life and a new connection with nature."

"I was able to connect with my past lives and the rituals throughout are so special."

" I felt I had invested my money into a program that seeks to help me integrate the information and experience the changes first hand."

" I started to look at the world differently while completing the course, and now I will never see it the same again."

"I learnt to listen to and trust my body and its signals and really surrender to the divine timing in which things want to take place."

"As a sensitive person, it provided knowledge and experience that has made navigating this human experience that much more fulfilling."

"An absolutely life-changing and beautiful experience which I would do again."

"The Earth is calling us home to our bodies and there has never been a more crucial time to do so. Raising the frequency of the Earth by expanding the individual and collective human consciousness. 

The plants are here to support the evolution of this planet."

​- Jessie Giannetto

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